Final six photographs

From the various shoots I conducted I ended up with a broad range of photographs to choose from for the final six submissions. I had captured various concepts, compositions and used a range of techniques, making it difficult to decide on the finals. Below are what I believe to be the six most effective and […]

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Sainsburys Shoot 5 – New Skills

This shoot has been my most successful, as I’ve gained so much more confidence and new skills since the first shoot. Following the unsuccessful long exposure shoot of customers, I decided to use this technique in a different way, to capture people working. I also used the timer on the camera for the shots to […]

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Long Exposure Customer Shoot

Following from the previous shoot I felt my photographs were all slightly out of focus and were ruining the overall effect of my concepts. For some advice I emailed my lecturer explaining my problems and the concepts for the brief to get some help. I also included my idea for the long exposure shot of […]

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Sainsburys Shoot 3 – Counters

From my first shoot after hours at Sainsburys, I felt that capturing the closed counters would suit my concept well, showing how supermarkets have still been affected. They are now an overlooked part of the store as most are aware of them not reopening and people don’t realise the impact it has had on staff […]

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Evening Shoot Test – Sainsburys

The concept behind this idea was to show how supermarkets never stop working they are a constant 24hour operation and are only closed to the public for two days of the year. I wanted to capture the bright orange lighting that emits from the store front and the light coming from the store, to highlight […]

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Test Shooting at Sainsburys

To understand the lighting I will be working with for this concept, I conducted a series of test shots to try and find the most appropriate setting to use within the store. There are various lightings here from the fridge cabinets, main lights to the low power lights when the store is shut. I wanted […]

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Research into concepts

Retail/Supermarket workers: Below are two series of photographs that have captured the key workers of the pandemic. I believe that some roles have gone missing behind the praise of others and found that both of these series have included a broad range of job roles that have continued throughout the pandemic. They are extremely impactful […]

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The Brief – Unnoticed, Unseen, Overlooked (Initial Ideas)

The Brief: After experimentation with a range of techniques you are asked to produce six final thematically related photographic images that explore the concept of ‘Unnoticed, Unseen, Overlooked’. The theme could be explored philosophically or it might be a political, personal or an agenda driven concept. To be successful it will require careful thought, planning […]

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Winter to Spring – Final Photos

From this task I believe I have been able to take photographs portraying Winter to Spring well, using various techniques from depth of field to shutter speeds. Most of the images use a shallow depth of field with the background showing the light or growth behind the focus, whilst the others use a deep depth […]

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