Final E-Booklet

The front cover introduces the children and teachers to the historical figures and other elements in the booklet from the illustrations. They are bright and fun for the children to engage with and the background shows the style of the booklet well. I believe that the front cover design is effective and presents the contents […]

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Back Cover Process

The brief states that the back cover needs to include the three logos from TNA and UoW and has a summary of the brief and partnership between the University and the National Archives. From an interview I conducted with a primary school teaching assistant, they recommended that I also include section for the teachers, providing […]

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Noor Khan’s Page Development

Noor Khan’s pages consist of Paddy the pigeon’s narration and guidance for the children, the main activity of using the cipher to reveal facts about Noor and the follow up cipher task. The main element I had to design was the cipher, it needed to be simple for the children to read and use to […]

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Amy Johnson’s Pages Development

Amy Johnson’s pages consist of Paddy’s introduction, small blocks of information about her, the starter activity with the TNA document and the main map activity. I had already developed the speech bubble and polaroid elements and arranged them accordingly onto the page. From this I began to bring in the rest of the page contents, […]

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Page layout and elements

Throughout the booklet there are certain elements that will repeat across the pages that I need to develop, ready to begin putting together the pages. These elements are the speech bubbles, polaroids and the illustrations of Paddy the pigeon. I will create these elements in illustrator to then save as png images, for ease of […]

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Front Cover Development

Using my procreate front cover template I began developing my front cover design, by inserting all of the illustrations and organising the layout. The main element I needed to create was the banner to hold the title. The banner piece is for the front cover, to hold the title of the booklet. I wanted the […]

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E-Booklet Set-Up in InDesign

The set up of my page layouts in InDesign is crucial to aiding me in creating the booklet. As a beginner in InDesign, I watched tutorials and took notes from tips in class to assist me in learning the basics of the software. At first I had set up my document in the format below, […]

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Plenary, Certificate Page Ideas:

With the final page being a certificate to award the children, I decided to look for inspiration from other KS1 certificates. Twinkle was my main source of examples for this, but most certificates are simple borders with gold stars or rainbows on to show praise to a child. However I don’t believe these elements would […]

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Past Student Work Analysis

A. Having read the short project summary of the brief that relates to your picture choice, how successfully (or otherwise) do you feel this solution fits the brief? Please explain your answer.  I believe that the page designs and type of activities developed meet the brief well, as it used documents from TNA and is suitable […]

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