User testing – Responses

*******Apologies but I forgot to upload this blog post, I recorded the responses I had received from the questionnaire and then worked on finalising all of my designs. This post would have ideally gone after the peer assessment feedback blog.******* From conducting the user testing via a google forum, I have a range of responses […]

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Final QR Code Hunt Design

Here are the final designs for the QR code hunt. I believe that having this is more of an incentive for people to join the scheme and would also appeal more to people and not just families. Another reason for creating this idea was for it to appeal more to a younger audience, as the […]

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Final Information Board

For the final information board I again re-aligned the elements and made the final touches to complete it. To give more details about the QR code on the top right I included the arrow and small text to just remind people to scan the QR code. This helps appeal to more audiences as some people […]

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Final Website design

Above is the final homepage. I again adjusted the structure and added more space so that the viewer can digest all the information on the website. The final website design is effective and user friendly, it helps to inform those that are interested and acts as a guide for those completing the scheme. The colours […]

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Final Leaflet and Map

Below are the final map and leaflet designs, which I have also placed into mockups to display how they would appear in real life. Above is the final map which has a complete set of icons to assist the reader in seeing as much information as possible. The map continues the colour palette over keeping […]

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Peer Assessment

Below are the feedback forma from my groups peer assessment. The first being the Master form that my groups completed together to summarise their advice and feedback. Overall I am pleased with the feedback as it has given me confidence in my work and plenty of things to work on to improve my work more. […]

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All Work To Date

For the information board, I wanted to provide the public with as much information as possible about the e-bike scheme in Malvern. By having the main board and smaller boards below allows the information to be broken down into more readable sections and also draws in attention. I plan on testing a few other mini […]

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