Brand guidelines and extra media outputs:

Below are the final brand guidelines that I developed alongside extra elements to support this. Above is the brand guidelines document that details all of the logos, colours, type and assets within the brand styling. I wanted to make this document as detailed as possible to allow for the style to be clear and show […]

Read More Brand guidelines and extra media outputs:

Poster and Flyer development

From feedback and further development of other media, I decided to start again with the poster designs, as I felt they didn’t follow the brand style well and weren’t engaging enough with the public. First idea since restarting, but felt it still didn’t look right, as if something was missing. I added a white background […]

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Leaflet Development

After struggling with poster and flyer designs, I decided to create a more informative layout to help provide more insight into river side dance. To start of I used the light green as a background colour and overlaid wave elements to add depth to the leaflet, but felt they. caused legibility issues. To counteract this […]

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Peer Assessment and Tutor Feedback

Areas of Achievement: Clear and in depth analysis of the brief, research and design development, Lots of ideas/concepts being generated, from the logo to website designs, Evidence of sketches and development on the blog, Process of designs is clear and shows the progress being made, Good annotations, I was glad to hear that my blog […]

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Above are the flyers and posters so far (first two are flyers, bottom two are posters) Above are the website pages so far. First is the full homepage, followed by homepage in a mobile format and then the workshops page. Above are all the illustrated photography elements used across the website and promotional material. Above […]


Photography and Poster development

*****NEED TO UPDATE ALL OF THIS WORK WITH THE ‘NEW’ LOGO! COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT IT****** Above are the updated illustrative photographs which I have altered from Paul’s comments. I believe they are more effective than before and look more uniform with the lines going in the same directions. I will update this into the websites […]

Read More Photography and Poster development

Website Development

This post shows the development of the website pages, taking into consideration Paul’s feedback. I have also began to develop the homepage into a mobile format to ensure usability and accessibility is carried across for both formats. Homepage: For the homepage, I wanted to showcase the key points of River Side Dance, from who they […]

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Work to date and Client Meeting

This post shows my work to date (26th November), ready to present during the client meeting. All designs are still being worked and developed to improve layouts and alignments. Above is an example of the brand guidelines so far, including the chosen typefaces and colour palettes. The reason there are two logos is because I […]

Read More Work to date and Client Meeting

Photography Experiments

here I used photo filter and used different colours from the colour palette at a density of 40% just to get an idea of what the colours would do to the photography. The top two are blue(left) and the middle shade fo green(right) but the colours dont come up much. However the bottom two show […]

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